Build Your Dream

Realize unforeseen opportunities to enter a wonderful, independent, prosperous, and self-determined life.

The Secret to $160k a Year is a Team

Stop procrastinating and join us for guidance thru every step in your journey to financial independence in 6mo.

Don’t trust jobs and corporations anymore! Over 200’000 got fired!

In 20 years in business consulting, I have helped to fundamentally building, digitalize, and transforming over 35 Businesses.

Yes, having an MBA is essential but doesn’t quite live up to modern times anymore. 

So I designed the MBA+ program to help you cope with modern strategies to use technology as a weapon with further impact. 

Paths to Success:


... register for classes that get you ahead, liason with MBA+


... join your workshop to build your business step by step


... join the community to offer and exchange labor

With our leadership you build your tactical, operational and strategic knowledge

You build a workflow, integrate controls, attract customers, and monetize

You monitor performance, use metrics, rebuild strategy, and leverage with technology

You create roles, rent or exchange skilled labor, onboard and manage people

Leadership: Our team gives you inspiration to solve challenge in your team 

Decision Making: Our team assists you in critical decisions with expertise

A wonderful home is key: We fix imperfections that kick  your nerves to enjoy a productive, uninterrupted day. 

We are here with you — even live — through video calls.